


Sind zurueck aus Chicago und der Trip war wirklich super! Am ersten Tag wars extrem windig deswegen haben wir nur ein paar shops von innen, aber keinen sights gesehen... trotzdem cooler tag va. als wir 2 stunden in einer bakery gesessen sind und brownies gegessen haben :)

Abendprogramm hat ziemlich crazy mit einer chicago-pizza begonnen und ohne die dazugehoerigen fotos kann man die dicke des teigs eigentlich nicht fassen!!!!
Mit vollem Magen sind wir dann im Club Transit geendet wo wir 4stunden ohne Pause zu Latinomusic und HipHop durchgeshaket haben!! (thats the way!!)

Gestern waren wir dann am ehemaligen Sears-Tower (heisst jetzt Willis) und die zwei Stunden anstellen haben sich auf alle Faelle gelohnt! Unglaubliches Gebaeude und die Glaskapseln rocken!! :)

Heute wird mal richtig europaeischer Fussball gespielt nachdem ich mit der Laundry fertig bin :)

Happynesslevel: 97%

It's been a while...:)

Hey there!

Just having some good old crunchy wheat flakes with almonds and vanilla out of a styrofoam cup and thinking of the last few days... To be honest, it was awesome! But let me put it into a more or less chronological order:

After Christoph and I had stayed two nights in a hotel somewhere in Champaign, we finally moved into our residence hall (called sherman hall). I have to admit that in the beginning I was not at all satisfied with the accomodation and I'm still not...at least not for the moment.:) However, life is pretty cool, though, and we're actually spending a lot of time somewhere else than in the residence hall.

First time going out on campus was great: On wednesday the exchange students from business school met at joe's (a bar close to sherman) to have "a few beer". Eventually, it turned out to be a pretty packed night with a lot of european and american (which is aweful by the way) beer. Later that night we went to a karaoke bar...the rest was just fun.:)

I don't want to bore you with those going-out-drinking-and-whatever-stories, so I think it's enough to say that we know how to use our spare time here...hell yeah, we do...:)

Yesterday, we went to chicago...a group of 15 business and engineering students heading for the "windy city". What a trip...that city really rocks! To cut a long story short, we did some sight seeing and shopping, had a lot of pizza, I got lost (but eventually found my way back to the hotel...thanks to some cab support), we had an amazing night in one of the coolest clubs I've ever been to (a latin club), did some push-ups on the 103rd floor of the willis tower (aka sears tower) and so on... All in all, just amazing!

On tuesday classes begin and we will bring some more routine in our lives again. Moreover, I'm definitely excited to see what business education means in the US...:)

Hope you're all doing well!

Bye for now and see you soon!


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Die Zeit vergeht hier wie im Flug. Mittlerweile sind...
crosner - 4. Feb, 03:55
1st course
Bisher bestand der Alltag hier eigentlich nur aus viel...
crosner - 19. Jan, 20:26
Hello from Hungary! classes...
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Aladin1 - 19. Jan, 18:13
Ja also ich will auch...
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daphne1234567 - 18. Jan, 20:45
That's the reason...
...they call it the 'windy' city (: Glad to hear...
Lotti_NYC - 18. Jan, 20:11





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